vendredi 29 juillet 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo a rencontré un super beau mec

En virée shopping à Los Angeles, le footballeur est tombé sur le très séduisant... Jason Statham ! Cristiano Ronaldo est un homme qui prend soin de lui, tout le monde le sait.Ce mardi,Nike Ninja il s'est d'ailleurs offert une virée shopping à Los Angeles pour renouveler son immense dressing.Le beau gosse portugais a particulièrement fait chauffer la carte bleue chez Tom Ford.Et pas question de porter les sacs, c'est son impressionnant bodyguard qui s'est chargé de jouer les assistantes.Cristiano s'est bien fait plaisir... et était encore plus heureux lorsque, dans une boutique,Tn Requin il a croisé une star internationale.En effet, CR7 est tombé nez à nez avec l'acteur Jason Statham, encore plus musclé que lui.Le principal intéressé en a profité pour prendre la pose avec le chéri de Rosie Huntington.Sur son compte Instagram, il a dévoilé le fameux cliché et l'a ainsi légendé : "Regardez qui j'ai trouvé !"Le cliché a fait réagir beaucoup d'internautes : "Vous êtes tellement beaux", "Les deux meilleurs dans le monde", "Je vous aime autant l'un que l'autre" peut-on lire ici et là dans les commentaires.Une fois la nuit tombée, l'ex d'Irina Shayk a dégainé son look beau gosse de la night pour aller festoyer avec ses amis.Pour découvrir absolument tous les clichés,Air Rift ?a se passe juste au-dessus !Jonathan...


samedi 16 juillet 2016


Un groupe de sept personnes était parti jeudi soir se balader sur la Promenade des Anglais. Une seule personne est sortie vivante de l'attaque : le rescapé a perdu en l'espace de quelques secondes et sous ses yeux, ses parents, ses beaux-parents, son épouse et le fils de son épouse, selon nos confrères de Nice matin. Porte-drapeau chez les anciens combattants et membre du club de boules, ex-militaire devenu chauffeur de poids lourds,Requin Tn Christophe, seul rescapé, est totalement effondré par cette terrible épreuve. Ancien président du club de rugby de Longwy, en Meurthe-et-Moselle, installé à Gattières, près de Nice, il est le seul survivant de cette famille. Ses parents, Gisèle et Germain Lion, agés de 68 et 63 ans et vivant à Bram,Tn Requin dans l'Aude, étaient venus passer une soirée en famille, ce 14-Juillet. Ses beaux-parents, Fran?ois et Christiane Locatelli, 82 et 78 ans venaient rendre visite à leur fille, son épouse, Véronique Lion,Nike Ninja assistante maternelle de 55 ans. Et au fils de celle-ci, né d'une première union, Micha?l Pellegrini, 28 ans, qui était professeur d'économie au lycée de Longwy.


dimanche 10 juillet 2016


In the wake of a week of violence that has left the nation on edge, public officials across the political spectrum are making comments about race and policing that range from appeals for tolerance to placing blame. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's remarks, for example, stand out for how different they are from controversial, racially tinged comments he has made in the past. "It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years to get a sense of this: If you are a normal white American, the truth is you don't understand being black in America," Gingrich said on Friday during a Facebook Live event with CNN analyst Van Jones, who is also a former aide in the Obama administration. Nike Tn Gingrich made his comments the day after a Dallas gunman killed five law enforcement officers, and in the same week that two African American men died in police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota. Nike Tn The remarks by the Republican former Georgia congressman, who served as speaker from 1990 until 1995, were in stark contrast to when he once called President Barack Obama the "food stamp president" and when Gingrich once derided bilingual education as teaching "the language of living in a ghetto." Gingrich's appeal on Friday for racial tolerance was distinctly different in tone and content than remarks by Texas Lieutenant Gov. Dan Patrick in the wake of the Dallas shooting. Patrick, a Republican, said the demonstrators who had been marching against police brutality when the violence broke out were "hypocrites" for expecting law enforcement to protect them. "All those protesters last night, they ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to turn around and protect them," Patrick said Friday during an interview with Fox News. "What hypocrites!" Patrick also blamed social media and some Black Lives Matter protesters for instigating what he said is hatred and violence toward American law enforcement. "All those protesters last night, they ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to turn around and protect them," Patrick said during an interview with Fox News on Friday. "What hypocrites!" Patrick also blamed social media and some Black Lives Matter protesters for instigating what he said is hatred and violence toward American law enforcement. "You can't go out on social media and mainstream media and everywhere else and say that the police are racist, that the police are hateful, the police are killers," he said. "Too many in the general public who aren't criminals but have a big mouth are creating situations like we saw last night." Patrick's stance was different than his state's governor, Greg Abbott. The Republican governor strongly defended police in an open letter to Texans on Friday, but also called for unity. "In the coming days, there will be those who foment distrust and fan the flames of dissension," Abbott wrote in his letter. "To come together -- that would be the greatest rebuke to those who seek to tear us apart." In Minnesota, where an African American man, Philando Castile, was fatally shot by police during a traffic stop, Democratic Governor Mark Dayton delivered strong statements at a press conference Wednesday, calling the incident "absolutely appalling on all levels." Dayton questioned whether Castile would have been killed if the driver and passengers in the car were white. "Would this have happened if ... the driver and passenger were white? I don't think it would've," Dayton said. "So I'm forced to confront and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront that this kind of racism exists." Dayton's comments drew some criticism. Bill Johnson,Nike Tn executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, told The Washington Post that Dayton "exploited what was already a horrible and tragic situation." But Dayton said Friday that he stands by his remarks that race played a role in Castile's death.