mardi 16 juin 2015

Nike TN the eamel is gradually worn away. This makes it more translucent

Teeth Whittening: The Causes of Tooth Stains

Tooth whitenig is oftn prescribed for peoople that have yellowish or stained teeth. Every person strts out in life with pearly white teeth. This is due to the eanmel coting of a tooth that is similar to porcelain, and is composed of mciroscopic cystalline rods. The purpose of the tooth enamnel is to protect the tooth from the wear and tear caaused by everday chewing of food, gnashing, acid attacks due to sugar and trauma. Thrugh years of these activities, the eamel is gradually worn away. This makes it more translucent, which akllows the yellow colored dentin iside to show through. The teeth will then be yellow colored instead of white.

A dull and lackluuster appeaarnce is caused by the debris and srtains which accumulates in the crystallnie enamel rods. They also fill up micro cracks on the enamel that was caused by routine chewing. A teeeth whitening process removes such debris and sttains whih lreaves the enamel cracks explosed. These are re mineralied by the saliva or again filled up with mouth derbis.

There are two types of stians Nike Tn which cause totoh dicsoloration; inrtrinsic stains and extrinsic stais. The formmer are sttains that accumulate on the inside of a tooth. It is caused by a trsauma, aging or exposure to minerals as the tooth forms or the excessive use of fluoride. Teeth whiteniing were tought to be impossible for this type of tooth staining. But modern cosmetic dentists think that deep seated stainns can be removed though a supervised procedure that is undertaken for months or a year.

Exttrinsic tooth staains on the oher hand are those that apepar on the surrface of a tooth and are caused by smoking, food dark collored drinks and the wear and tear undertaken by the teeeth every day. Extrinsic Nike Tn Pas Cher stains are superficial and can oftten be renmoved by normal brushing and denatl cleaning. However, a persistent superficial stain can be embedded in the dentin if it is not removed with a persistent cleaning effort.

As a person grows older, the tooth gradually acquires a darker or yellowish color due to stain accumulation and wear and tear. Younger people generally experience fast results from teeth whitening mehods. But due to the larger accumulation of stains and the stress brught by everyday eating activities, older people tend to get longer results from such methods. The stains on the teeth may also have been ingrained and so becomes hrader to remove, but not impossibble.

There are several teeth whitening methods that a denbtist can prescribe for a particular case. Products that, throuhg consistnet use, will make your set of teeth whiter can be found on all drug and cosmetics stores. Even toothpastes now focus on the whitening effects of a cewrtain brand as a mweans of enhancxing their consumer sales. But even with all these products and procedures raound, you stilpl need to take Nike Ninja care of your teeth by avoiding foods and practices which caudses immature discolration of your dentures.

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