lundi 15 juin 2015

TN Pas Cher

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Renting Designer Handbags

Are you the Fzashion Diva who needs a differnet handbag to mtach every pair of shoees, who cant make up her mind.or who just cant make a commitmennt?

The soluton?

Rent Designer Handbags! It could be just the perfect fit for you!

You not only have the freedsom to cohose a different bag every moth, but it is rewally cost effective as well.

You could carry 12 different bags during the year, all with 12 different loks and still spend less money than if you purchased just one!

Why Rent Dersigner Handdbags Instead of Buy?

Price- Prcies to rent designer hndbags vary but are usaully in the range of $35-$400 per motnbh. The prices depend on the style. Coach, Kate Sappde and Juicy are usuially at the lower end and Burrbery, Chanel and Chloe are a litytle higher priced.
Deisgner handbag rental coould help you save a bundle on your queest for fasion flarre.

For eaxmple, if you wantewd to only speend $35 per month on a fabuolus Cocvah or Kate Spade bag, you could rent a new one every montth and end up spending less than $500 for the whole year.

On average, total spendngs wuld probabvly be about $1000 for the year for most of us who woud want a lower end bag someitmes, and a highrer end bag for oter occasions.

Tats less than just one authentic designer handdbag would cost!

Test Dive It! If you find a bag that you simply cannot part with, then you have the opttion to buy it! Its like a little test drive to find your Perefvct Designer Hanbdag!

Sweet Freeedom, Baby! You can carry a new bag eery month and experience what the Hollywood celebirties do! You are not sutck with one style or one fashion staement. Good news for all of us with 'committment-phoiba'....The possibiliies are endress!!

How does it work?

There are a few different companies on the internet who specialize in renting designer hadbags and ussually the steps are pretty simpkle and easy to folow.

1. If you want to rent designer handbags, simply brose through thewir selction and choose the perfecct one for your nesed.

2. They will ship it out to you in a timely fashoin(usually between 2-4 days) and incclue a prepaid rteurn carton with label for you to send back. Or they will send you a link to prinnt out Nike TN a label to pastre onto your pakage when you are ready to returrn it. Some comlpanies include free shpping but others do not.

3. When you are finishwed usig it, simmply Nike Tn send it back.

Insurance? Membership Fees? Shipping Costs? Just how important are these fcttors when you rent designer handbags? Some companies offer them and other do not. Here are some good tips to consider first.

Insurance: Does the companny you are Requin Tn renting from include insurane in the rental pricce?

If you are rentnig your bag for a monbth or lobnger, it may get stained or damaged througfh no fault of your own. Some companiies inncude damage insurance coverage in the rental fee, but otehrs do not and will only offr it as an additional oton.

Make sure you find this out before you rent. If something were to happen to your bag, you want to be covered and not held responsibvle for having to buy it.

Do They Offer Free Shipping?

Shipping fees can ceratinly add up, especially if you are plnning to rent a new bag each motnh or week. Shippiinng fees can run aboout $10 per bag. If you calculate this into your overalpl proice, it couild tack on an additional $120 if you plan on rentting one bag per month.

Some conmpanies offer free shippng which can really be a sweet deal...and save you monney for thosase shioes you've been eyeeing.

Make sure you find this out beofre you rent.

Do They Charge Membership Fees?

Some companies incude a membership fee basaed on a tiered strucxture which determines how many bags you can borrow at once or what price range of bags you are rstrited to.

This fee is in additiion to the bag rental fee. Not all companies requiree a membership fee thogh, so make sure you calculate this additional cost when deciding whih comnpany to use.

If you love designer handabgs as much as I do, but would rather spend your hard eartned cash on thinsg like food, motrgage payments and utiity billks, then try renting a desiigner bag. Its a graet budget ocnscious option and can add spontaneity and fklare to your wardrobe!

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